Articles, Book Chapters, Papers

ERC Publications




  •  with J. Chaisse and G. Dimitropoulous Advancing Digital Integration in the Indo-Pacific:Legal Strategies for a Cohesive Digital Economy in Digital Economy Indo-Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) book




  • MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J. (with Esther Huiskers-Stoop and Quiñones Diego). Cooperative Compliance Initiatives as a Preventative Mechanism in Manual for the Control of International Tax Planning. Interamerican Centre of Tax Administrations (CIAT) with funding of GIZ-EUROsociAL+. Available in English and in Spanish 
  • Editors MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J. (with Julien Chaisse) Special Section Asia Pacific Law Review The Future of International Tax Disputes. Link to special section
  • MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J. Consensus en Legitimiteit bij het maken van Internationale Belastingregels  (Consensus and Legitimacy in International Tax Law Making). Weekblad Fiscaal Recht. Special Issue 150 anniversary “Verschuivende machtsverhoudingen in de fiscaliteit“. (article)
  • MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J. (with Julien Chaisse)  Public international law, international taxation and tax dispute resolution, Asia Pacific Law Review, DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2022.2102585  (article in journal)
  • MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J. Contribution to the report and book The Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights in International Law-Study Group on International Tax Law 2018-2021 (Kokott J. and Pistone P.). Contribution to some sections on fairness, equity, equality and neutrality. See document with contribution here and see final report   here (report and contribution to book)
  • MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J.  La Tributación de la Economía Digital: Pasado, presente y futuro  (Taxation of the Digital Economy: Past, present and future)  Estudios de Derecho Tributario, Derecho Aduanero y Comercio Exterior. June 2022.  (book Chapter)
  • INTER-AMERICAN CENTRE OF TAX ADMINISTRATIONS (CIAT), GIZ, and GLOBTAXGOV  (CUBILLOS J., HEITMULLER F. and MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J.) Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-Avoidance Rules. Publisher CIAT. English version (here) and Spanish version (here) (Report)
  • MOSQUERA VALDERRAMA I.J. et al. The Internet of Things in Tax Law. Revista Cronica Tributaria No. 182 (2022/1). In the framework of cooperation DIGITAX (Jean Monnet)-GLOBTAXGOV (ERC) PROJECT. (Article)


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