Recordings of the Third Global Tax Sympsium can be watched back here.
Listen to the audio recording of the first day here.
Listen to the audio recording of the second day here.
This was the GTS Programme
Download the slides of the main speakers:
- Craig Elliffe: The Future of international Taxation under the 2020s Compromise
- Afton Titus: Tax Policy for the future of developing countries: The synergies between COVID-19 and Automation
- Stephen Daly: Trust, tax administration and State aid
- Daniel Artana: Is the Latam tax system a failure?
- Suranjali Tandon: The need for global minimum tax – Assessing Pillar two reform
- Vincent Arel-Bundock: Who Should Tax Multinationals?
The mission of the Global Tax Symposia (GTS) is to be an interdisciplinary mobile research platform on fundamental issues of international and comparative taxation. It is grounded in the belief that crossing African, American, Asian-Pacific and European perspectives is beneficial to all participants, especially in the current political and economic global context. It aims to offer young researchers and experienced scholars a forum in which to discuss five to six papers every year in different cities on all continents. Each paper is discussed by an interdisciplinary and intercontinental panel whose members are leading tax academics, tax practitioners, tax officials and tax policymakers.
The following 22 institutions from all continents support the initiative: Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina), University of Melbourne and UNSW Sydney (Australia), University of Louvain (Belgium), University of São Paulo (Brazil), McGill University (Canada), Wuhan University (People’s Republic of China), Sorbonne Law School (France), University of Münster (Germany), Meiji University (Japan), National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (India), Gajah Mada University (Indonesia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (Mexico), Leiden University and ERC funded project GLOBTAXGOV (The Netherlands), University of Auckland (New Zealand), King Saud University (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), University of Seoul (South Korea), Moscow State University (Russian Federation), University of Pretoria (South Africa), Stockholm University (Sweden), Koç University, (Turkey) London School of Economics (United Kingdom), and New York University (United States of America).
The First and Second Editions of the Global Tax Symposia were held at the London School of Economics and Louvain University in 2019 and 2020, respectively. All paper presentations and videos of both symposia are available here: https://www.lse.ac.uk/law/events/global-tax-symposium/Global-Tax-Symposium and here: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/juri/crides/evenements/online-conference-global-tax-symposium-2020-10-dec-20.html#VIDEO