Conference report – How countries learn to tax; Complexity, legal transplants and legal culture

By Adrian Grant and Frederik Heitmüller

The workshop How Countries Learn to Tax (Complexity, Legal Transplants and Legal Culture)  took place at Leiden University from 25 February to 1 March 2019. The event was hosted by the Lorentz Center and co-organized by international tax scholars Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama (Associate Professor, Leiden Law School), Kim Brooks (Professor, Schulich School of Law), Allison Christians (Professor, McGill Faculty of Law), Tsilly Dagan (Professor, Bar-Ilan University) and Kerrie Sadiq (Professor, QUT Business School).

After the publication of a brief overview of some of the core topics discussed in it, the full workshop report is finally available here.

Note: The organisation of this workshop has been sponsored by the Lorentz-NIAS Center; the Leiden University Fund/Dr. H.A. van Beuningen Fonds; and the GLOBTAXGOV  European Research Council funded project (Grant agreement 758671).