Research Team


Prof. Dr.  Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama | Principal Investigator

Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama is Full Professor Tax Governance and PhD Dean at Leiden Law School, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She is the principal investigator of the ERC  project that investigates Global Tax Governance (GLOBTAXGOV). She is also the EU holder of the  Jean Monnet Chair on EU Tax Governance  (EUTAXGOV). She received her PhD (cum laude) in 2007 in the Netherlands. She was also a Fulbright Scholar (PhD research) at New York University, and the University of Florida (Gainesville), the United States.

Other projects in cooperation with other partners:

  • As of August 2019-present. Main applicant Iñaki Bilbao Estrada Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU – Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera in cooperation with several partners. 612029-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-EU JEAN MONNET PROJECT Digitalization of Tax Administrations in the EU
  • As of  October 2020-present. Main applicant GLOBTAXGOV. The development of a toolkit and database on general anti-avoidance rules GAARs. Project funded by the CIAT (Inter-American Centre for Tax Administrations)-GIZ (German Development Cooperation)
  • As of October 2020-present. Main applicant Alvaro Anton. Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU – Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera in cooperation with several partners. 620987-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPJMO-EU JAN MONNET PROJECT Legal Design Thinking and Legal Visualization. Towards an Understandable EU Law.
  • As of November 2020-present Main applicant Madeleine Hosli Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Leiden University. 620608-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPJMO-MODULE. Jean Monnet Summer School. The European Union in Global Governance

Before joining Leiden, she was working as  tax adviser (PwC, Hamelink & Van den Tooren), lecturer (University of Utrecht, Erasmus University, the Hague University of Applied Sciences) and postdoctoral researcher (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation  IBFD), the Netherlands.  She was also a  member of the international research project entitled “Sustainable Tax Governance in Developing Countries through Global Tax Transparency” (DeStaT), financed by the Research Council of Norway.

Her areas of expertise are international tax law and comparative tax law in developed and developing countries and more recently exchange of information and BEPS related issues in developing countries.

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Frederik Heitmüller PhD candidate

Frederik Heitmüller is as PhD candidate in the GLOBTAXGOV project at Leiden University’s Institute for Tax Law and Economics. Being educated through an interdisciplinary and intercultural political and social science study program at the universities of Stuttgart, Bordeaux and Monterey, he believes that interdisciplinary approaches are vital to the creation of new knowledge. By participating in the GLOBTAXGOV research project, he aims to investigate the intersections of tax law, politics, (economic) development and concepts of justice and fairness.

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  Juliana Cubillos González PhD candidate

Juliana Cubillos González is a PhD candidate in the GLOBTAXGOV Project at Leiden University’s Institute for Tax Law and Economics. Since 2018, she holds an LLM in International Taxation from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD). Prior to this achievement she graduated as a bachelor in Law and as a Master in Tax Law from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá Colombia). By joining the GLOBTAXGOV research project she attempts to broaden her horizons into dealing with multidisciplinary knowledge in order to contribute with the development in tax law at a global level.

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