1000 BE
9:00-9:30 Registrations and morning coffee
9:30-9:40 Introductory words by Philippe Lamberts, Co-Chair of the Greens/EFA
9:40-9:50 Keynote speech (tbc)
9:50-10:50 The need for a tax shift – lower incomes need to stop bearing the brunt
In the current EU, workers pay a high price for an imbalanced tax system. A system still favouring large companies, accumulated wealth, financial speculation and pollution, while work and livelihoods suffer a higher tax burden to bridge the difference. How to stop this inequality? What should the EU do?
Moderated by Elodie Lamer – Correspondent at TaxNotes
- Susana Ruiz – Tax Policy Lead at Oxfam
- Ruud de Moij – Assistant Director of Fiscal Affairs at the IMF
- Rasmus Andresen – Greens/EFA MEP
- Benjamin Angel – Director of Direct Taxation at the European Commission (tbc)
10:50-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:10 Polluters must pay – greening the economy
The transition out of fossil fuels to energy efficiency and renewable energy has never been as important and crucial as now. Unfortunately, the current state of play in the EU is grim. How can the tax system help stop climate change? What would the EU need to bring to the table?
Moderator (tbc)
- Femke Groothuis – President of Ex’Tax
- Tatiana Falcao PhD – International and Environmental Tax Expert
- Bas Eickhout – Greens/EFA MEP
- Kurt Van Dender – Head of the Tax and Environment Unit at the OECD
12:15-13:15 More transparency for fairer taxes – finding the money to close the gap
Even if we recently achieved public country-by-country reporting, there is a lot of homework to do in terms of transparency. With little to no data available about who owns what and where, it is increasingly hard to tax billionaires and oligarchs and have real justice. How can the EU achieve real transparency and guarantee that those who have the most don’t skip the rules?
Moderator (tbc)
- Olivier Boutellis Taft – CEO of Accountancy Europe
- Irma Mosquera Valderrama PhD – Professor of Tax Governance at Universiteit Leiden
- Ernest Urtasun – Greens/EFA MEP
- Mona Barake – Postdoctoral scholar at the EU Tax Observatory
13:15-13:30 Conclusion and presentation of the Greens/EFA Tax Fix Action Plan – Kira Marie Peter-Hansen and Claude Gruffat Greens/EFA MEPs
13:30-14:30 Networking lunch