G20 Inception Workshop: Task force on trade, investment and taxation

By Irma Mosquera Valderrama

The journey in the GLOBTAXGOV project started with the G20 task force trade, investment and tax cooperation in which I am currently participating with some policy recommendations on tax competition, global tax governance and developing countries. 

Argentina has the presidency of the G20 for 2018, and therefore, in February 2018, a  T20 Argentina Inception Workshop: Vision and Strategies was organized in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This workshop was a preparatory meeting for the general meeting of task forces to take place in September 2018. In this workshop, 149 think tanks from 45 countries from around the world were participating to produce recommendations for the G20 to improve global governance and the general welfare of humanity. This is the first time that this meeting took place in Latin America, and therefore it was very nice opportunity to include also developing countries perspective in the task forces that will provide recommendations for the G20.